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Английский Новогиреево Перово Онлайн

Логотип телеграм канала @english_teacher_moscow — Английский Новогиреево Перово Онлайн А
Логотип телеграм канала @english_teacher_moscow — Английский Новогиреево Перово Онлайн
Адрес канала: @english_teacher_moscow
Категории: Лингвистика
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 7.59K
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Репетитор по разговорному английскому языку Новогиреево, Перово, онлайн https://english-teacher.moscow
Владелец @Alex_Donkarvik

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Последние сообщения 115

2021-05-08 15:04:11
Вновь несколько хороших источников для практики английского

@Engforevery - Подписывайся на наш канал, тогда ты сможешь быстрее выучить грамматику, новые слова, закрепляя их тестами.

@englishrise - Practise English Every Day and Improve yourself! More motivation ideas!

@pocket_eng - твой лучший друг в мире английского

@tg_engl1sh - говори на английском как на родном! Запоминай крутые фразы и идиомы, смотри актуальные видео и интервью. Каждая неделя - новая тематика. Залетай

Завтра 9 мая, День Победы. С праздником, мира и добра!
398 viewsedited  12:04
2021-05-08 09:10:00 American English. Pre-intermediate level. Audio.

A magic Ring.

Once upon a time there lived a young farmer. He worked very hard but was very poor. One day when he was far from home in the forest, an old woman looking like a peasant came up to him and said, «I know you work very hard, and all for nothing. I will give you a magic ring! It will make you rich, and your work won’t be in vain. When you turn the ring on your finger and say what you wish to have, you’ll have it at once! But there is only one wish in the ring, so think carefully before you wish.»

The astonished farmer took the ring given to him by the peasant woman, and went home. In evening he came to a big city. There he went to a merchant and showed him the magic ring. When the merchant heard the astonishing story, he thought of a plan. He invited the farmer to stay in his house for the night. At night he came up to the sleeping peasant, carefully took the ring off the man’s finger, and put on another ring, which looked exactly like the one he had taken off.

In the morning when the farmer had gone away, the merchant ran into his shop, shut the door, and said while turning the ring on his finger, «I wish to have a hundred thousand pieces of gold.» And down they came, on his head, shoulders, and arms, like a rain of gold! The frightened merchant tried to get out of the shop, but in vain. In a few minutes he was dead.

When the farmer returned home, he showed the ring to his wife. «Take a look at this ring,» he said. «It’s a magic ring! It will make us happy.”

The astonished woman could hardly say a word «Let’s try. Maybe the ring will bring us more land,» she said at last.

“We must be careful about our wish. Don’t forget there’s only one thing that we may ask for,» he explained. «Let’s better work hard for another year, and we’ll have more land.”

So they worked as hard as they could and got enough money to buy the land they wished to have.

Then the farmer’s wife thought of asking for a cow and a horse. They discussed the matter more than once.
“My good wife”, — said the farmer, — “we shall get a horse and a cow without the ring.”
They went on working hard for a whole year and again bought the things they wished to have.

«What happy people we are!» said the farmer.

“I don’t understand you,» answered his wife angrily. «There’s nothing in the world that we can’t have, and still we spend days and nights working as hard as before, because you don’t want to use your magic ring!”

Thirty, then forty years had gone by. The farmer and his wife had grown old. Their hair became as white as snow. They were happy and had everything they wanted. Their ring was still there. Although it was not a magic ring, it had made them happy. For you see, my dear friends, a poor thing in good hands is better than a fine thing in bad hands.

Once upon a time [wʌns əˈpɒn ɑ taɪm] жили-были, однажды. Начало традиционных сказок на английском языке.

Peasant [ˈpezənt] крестьянин, крестьянка.

In vain [ɪn veɪn] напрасно, зря, тщетно.

Merchant [ˈmɜːʧənt] торговец, лавочник, купец.

Astonished [əˈstɒnɪʃt] ошеломленный.

Astonishing [əsˈtɒnɪʃɪŋ] потрясающий, поразительный, ошеломляющий.
129 viewsedited  06:10
2021-05-08 09:09:06 magic-ring.mp3
127 views06:09
2021-05-07 11:36:50
The fisherman and his wife — level 0

Аудиокнига для начального уровня. Используются 200 слов и следующие грамматические правила: Present Simple Tense, модальный глагол Can, конструкция There is/are.

223 views08:36
2021-05-06 11:00:04
314 views08:00
2021-05-06 07:46:15 British English. Elementary level. Audio.

We have had some quite serious podcasts recently, so here – for a change – is some complete nonsense.

Early in the morning in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other
A deaf policeman heard the noise
And came and killed the two dead boys
He took them in to court and said
These two boys I have found dead.

This is a very old nonsense rhyme, and there are many different versions of it, both in Britain and in North America.

Look at the third and fourth lines. “Each other” (or “one another”) is the way we express reciprocal actions in English.

For example: Kevin faced Matt. Matt faced Kevin. They faced each other. Kevin shot Matt. Matt shot Kevin. They shot each other. I saw Sarah. Sarah saw me. We saw each other. And so on.

Sword [sɔːd] меч, сабля, шпага.

Deaf [def] глухой.

Rhyme [raɪm] рифма, стишок, стихотворение.

Express [ɪksˈpres] выражать.

Reciprocal [rɪˈsɪprəkəl] обоюдный, взаимный.
324 viewsedited  04:46
2021-05-06 07:45:23 British English. Elementary level. Audio.
292 views04:45
2021-05-05 14:50:10 На самом деле, Черчилль сказал по-другому: "I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma: but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest."

Но это выражение уже стало поговоркой и применяется ко всему загадочному, будь то человек или явление.

John is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

Нас же сейчас интересует то, что в английском существует много слов, означающих "тайна".

Riddle [rɪdl] загадка, тайна.

But he also gave me a riddle. - Но он также загадал мне загадку.

Mystery [ˈmɪstərɪ] тайна, загадка, таинство.

I have to say it's a mystery to me. - Должен сказать, что для меня это загадка.

Enigma [ɪˈnɪgmə] загадка.

The DBMS_JAVA package is somewhat of an enigma. - Пакет DBMS_JAVA весьма загадочен.

Secret [ˈsiːkrɪt] секрет, тайна.

That's a professional secret, buddy. — Это профессиональная тайна, братан!

Puzzle [pʌzl] головоломка, загадка.

But the puzzle is a small thing, it can be solved. - А загадка - это мелочь, ее можно решить.

Conundrum [kəˈnʌndrəm] головоломка, загадка, сложная проблема.

They`ve turned my hair grey with conundrums. - Они своими загадками заставили меня поседеть,

Sacrament [ˈsækrəmənt] таинство, причастие, святые дары.

Marriage is a sacrament, he says.
— Брак — это святыня, — провозглашает он.
352 views11:50
2021-05-05 14:49:07
329 views11:49