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Внимание, читатели! Принял решение, что нам следует развивать | English for IT

Внимание, читатели! Принял решение, что нам следует развивать контент в области общей грамматики!

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#grammer #part1

Count Nouns

Nouns that can be counted are called count nouns. They can be singular or plural in form.
Singular: one object, a problem, one reason, a child
Plural: five subjects, two problems, three reasons, eight children

Singular Count Nouns
Singular count nouns, together with any descriptive adjectives, have an article (a, an, the) or another determiner before them (my, your, this, one, every, each).

an exam, a long exam, my brother, my oldest brother, each chapter, each new chapter

Don't use a singular count noun without an article or other determiner.
Incorrect: house, new house, car,
Correct: a house, their new house, my car, our old car

However, in a few idiomatic expressions, no article is used:
have dinner, in school, at home, at work, by bus (by + transportation), by phone (by + communication)