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Пример 4 ответа устной части ЕГЭ. Советы эксперта. Друз | Английский с экспертом

Пример 4 ответа устной части ЕГЭ. Советы эксперта.
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Для сравнения возьмем 2 картинки из досрочного варианта демо-версии ЕГЭ 2020 года.
I would like to compare and contrast these two pictures.
In the first depiction there is guy and a girl doing their homework together. They seem to be in the library. While in the second picture we can see just a girl trying to get some knowledge sitting in the kitchen.
On the one hand, the photos have a lot in common. First of all, here we can see students who are plunged in the process of study. Furthermore, both pictures present young people of about 20 years old.
There are also some differences between these two pictures. To begin with, the students in the first picture are thought to be thrilled from the process of studying while the girl in the second photo seems to be a bit embarrassed. I’d like to add that the guys from the first picture are learning something using only a book and without any modern gadgets. And it is obvious that the girl from the second picture is using her laptop.
Personally, I would prefer to study using my computer.
Firstly, I believe this way of studying to be more convenient for me. What’s more, it gives a wide range of sources of information. And finally, it saves my time.
That’s all for now. I have tried to show the similarities and differences between these two photos.
Все подводные камни заданий формата ЕГЭ по английскому языку можно узнать на консультации экспертом ЕГЭ по английскому языку, профессиональным репетитором с 25-летним стажем преподавания: kate_vsei@mail.ru, 8 922 902 16 77, ссылка на диалоги в группе https://vk.me/ege_lifehack
Еще больше информации на моих каналах: https://vk.com/ege_lifehack, https://t.me/english_expert43.
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