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Шаблоны вопросов для 2части устной части ЕГЭ по английскому яз | Английский с экспертом

Шаблоны вопросов для 2части устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Маленькие хитрости от эксперта.
Друзья!!! Во 2 части устной части ЕГЭ нам предстоит задавать вопросы на основе предложенного плана. Задача непростая!!!

Но с ней может справиться каждый!!!

В данной статье предлагаются шаблоны типовых утверждений, которые чаще всего встречаются на экзамене.

Выучив данные вопросы вы непременно справитесь с поставленной задачей.

Age restriction Minimum age limit — Is there a minimum age restriction for this film? What is the minimum age limit for this film?

Age of something — How old is something?

Availability of smth — Is smth available?

Beginning of the course — When does the course begin (start)?

Course available — What courses are available at your school?

Cost of smth — How much does smth cost?

Credit card acceptance — Do you accept credit cards for payment? Can I pay by credit card?

Date of delivery — What is the possible date of delivery? When will you deliver smth?

Directions to the hotel, gym — How can I get to your hotel (gym)?

Discounts for students (for groups, party reduction) — Are there any discounts for students? Are group discounts available?

Distance from the city center — How far is the hotel from the city center?

Duration of the course — How long is the course?

entrance / admission fee — What is the entrance / admission fee? How much is the ticket? How much does the tour cost?

Cancellation — Is cancellation possible?

Hotel facilities — What facilities are available at the hotel?

If breakfast is included — Is breakfast included into the price?

If textbooks are included — Are textbooks included into the price?

Location of the hotel — Where is the hotel located (situated)?

Nearest car park — Where is the nearest car park?

Number of lessons per week — How many lessons are there per week?

Number of students in the group — How many students are there in the group?

Online (advance) reservation / booking — Can I book / purchase a ticket on line (in advance)? Can I reserve a room on line?

Opening hours (of the club) / hours of operation — What are the opening hours of the club? When is the club open? When do you work?

Photo permission / taking pictures — Is it allowed to take pictures during the tour? Can I take photos during the tour?

Possible accommodation — What kind of accommodation do you offer?

Double / single room price per night — What is the double / single room price per night?

Price for a three-week course — What is the price for a three-week course?

Refund for a ticket — Can I get a refund for a ticket?

Type of clothes sold — What types of clothes do you sell? What types of clothes are sold in your shop?

И еще один лайхак от эксперта: общие вопросы задаются с повышающей интонацией, специальные вопросы с понижающей интонацией.

Следуя этим правилам, вы непременно наберете максимальные 5 баллов за данное задание!!!

Запись на консультацию к эксперту ЕГЭ по английскому языку, профессиональному репетитору с 25-летним стажем преподавания: kate_vsei@mail.ru, 8 922 902 16 77, ссылка на диалоги в группе https://vk.me/ege_lifehack

Еще больше информации на моих каналах: https://vk.com/ege_lifehack, https://t.me/english_expert43. #репетиторпоанглийскомуязыку #репетиторанглийскогоязыка #подготовкакегэпоанглийскомуязыку #подготовкакустнойчастиегэпоанглийскомуязыку #уровнивладенияязыком