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Логотип телеграм канала @english_books_tg — Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги
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Последние сообщения 8

2023-04-30 20:50:00
The Bronte Story
Tim Vicary


This book is about the greatest English writers-sisters of the 19th century, whose novels were a sensation. Their books were admitted as the classic English literature. They did not have any special education in this area, but still they achieved a huge success. But fate was not benevolent to them. The biography of famous sisters Charlotte, Emily and Ann has a significant mark in the literature.

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2.6K views17:50
2023-04-27 22:20:00
The Cask of Amontillado
Edgar Allan Poe


The main character's name is Montezor. He planned to commit a murder during the carnival: the people around would be drunk and cheerful, everyone would be dancing - no one would notice the real crime. Further, Montezor thought up a particularly exquisite crime, which no one expected.

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2.9K views19:20
2023-04-26 23:49:51 Повтори всю грамматику английского
3.8K views20:49
2023-04-26 20:00:02
King Arthur and His Knights
George Gibson


King Arthur today is the most recognizable book hero not only in British folklore, but also in the world literature.The young knight Arthur proved his right to be the king, when he pulled out the legendary sword Excalibur from the rock. This book is a must-read for classical literature and modern phantasy lovers. Even Sir John Tolkien took much from the Arthurian legends for his "Lord of the Rings".

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1.2K views17:00
2023-04-26 18:00:06
Знаешь 2 главные ошибки в изучении английского?

1. Учиться наскоками, когда появляется мотивация.
Это как ходить в спортзал раз в 3 месяца. И ведь каждый раз в голове «сейчас весь язык выучу».

2. Заниматься только теорией и грамматикой. Они слишком нагружают голову, и мозг отключается как на скучной паре.

Поэтому приглашаем вас на БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ практикум «Английский за год».

Живой английский, в основе — технология быстрого обучения синхронных переводчиков.

Во время практикума за 1.5 часа :
— прокачаем словарный запас, разберем диалоги носителей языка;
— расскажем фишки, ускоряющие обучение в 2-3 раза;
— дадим пошаговую программу как овладеть языком за 2023.

Присоединяйся, это бесплатно!
Ждём тебя в этот четверг в 18:00 (по мск)
1.6K views15:00
2023-04-26 11:40:00
For a Horseshoe Nail
Amara Bavani Dev


This is a story about a poor Indian farmer named Raju, who has to work hard for pennies. Fifty rupees a day is his limit. But once, one man offers him to sell a kidney for thirty five thousand rupees. This is a lot of money. The Indian poor can’t earn such an incredible sum in his whole life. The life of a poor farmer has changed for the better. After all, people live with one kidney. The main thing is do not pay attention to the pain.

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2.3K views08:40
2023-04-26 09:20:00

С вас 30 минут в день на обучение!
С меня методика, с помощью которой вы выучите английский без учебников и зубрежек

Что такое 30 минут?
Это два раза попить кофе или посмотреть одно видео в ленте. К тому же, это время можно разбить на интервалы по 10-15 минут.

Важная оговорка. 30 минут должны проходить по специальной методике.

Есть авторский метод «Остров».
Его суть в том, что изучение языка идет маленькими «островками» — от шага к шагу, не упуская ни одного момента.

Примерно, за 4 месяца не остается ни одного пробела в знании языка.

Уже скоро я проведу бесплатный урок, на котором вы выучите все времена английского языка за 1,5 часа.

Не буду рассказывать, как важно знать английский и что он дает. Не буду грузить сложными терминами и нудными правилами.

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2.5K views06:20
2023-04-26 08:30:00
This Rough Magic
Mary Stewart


Lucy is a young girl who works as an actress. She has an elder sister named Phil, who married a rich man from Italy. Lucy went to the sea to rest and to visit her sister. Lucy has problems with work. She did not become famous and being an actress is not very easy. A young actress gets into a criminal situation, where acting talent helps her to remain safe and sound.

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2.5K views05:30
2023-04-24 20:30:00
A Pot Full of Tears
Lauri Kubuitsile


Some women dream of children, but cannot have them. Others have many children, but do not have enough money to feed and maintain them. A lonely old man is sitting in a small room. He is looking at the old wooden floor. A woman is sitting in the next room. She does not live in this house; she looks completely different. There is a scream. And in a few minutes the woman takes out the baby wrapped in a blanket from the room.

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3.8K views17:30
2023-04-24 11:30:00
Brennan Frank


Taro is very good at cooking fugu. Fugu is a poisonous fish. If it is not prepared carefully enough, it can be deadly. One night two men come and demand to talk to Taro. They are dangerous gangsters from a famousf Japanese society of criminals called Yakuza. Unexpectedly the men want Taro to try the dish first

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4.1K views08:30