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6 Minute English - Are we afraid of food? Vocabulary Al | Заметки репетитора

6 Minute English - Are we afraid of food?


Allergy - a condition that makes you feel ill after eating, touching or breathing in a particular substance
Immune system - our body's defences against infection and disease
Switched off - (in this context) not working
Colonise - live and grow in
Get exposed to - (in this context) meet or encounter
Sterile - completely clean with no bacteria
Gluten - a protein found in wheat and some other grains
Proven - tested or true
Rickets - a disease caused by a lack of Vitamin D in the diet and affects bone development in children
Malnourished - not having enough to eat or enough of the food you need to keep you in good health
Nuts - crazy
Anaphylaxis - a severe allergic reaction

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