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در مورد اخبار میدونی که خوندن اخبار چقدر میتونه زبان انگلیسی | Eng_Juice

در مورد اخبار

میدونی که خوندن اخبار چقدر میتونه زبان انگلیسی تون رو تقویت کنه؟ این موضوع از نظر علمی هم ثابت شده، پس حتما امتحانش کن.

بیا با هم متن کامل این خبر رو بخونیم و چند تا لغت یاد بگیریم.

A Japanese woman born at the dawn of the 20th century has died at the age of 119.

Kane Tanaka was born on January 2, 1903, and she died on April 19. At the age of 19, Tanaka married a rice shop owner, and she worked in the family store until she was 103. She twice survived cancer, and she lived through a multitude of historical events. She survived two world wars, the 1918 Spanish flu, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tanaka had been living in a nursing home in Fukuoka, and according to her family, she kept her mind and body engaged by doing math and remaining curious.

According to 2020 data, one in every 1,565 people in Japan was over 100 years old. More than 88% of them were women. Government numbers released in July 2020 showed that women had a life expectancy of 87.45 years compared to 81.4 years for men.

کلمات و عبارات جدید این خبر:

at the dawn of: در ابتدای، اوایل
a multitude of: بسیاری از
nursing home: خانه سالمندان
keep sth engaged: مشغول نگه داشتن چیزی
life expectancy: امید به زندگی، عمر متوسط

به همین راحتی میتونی از یه خبر ساده کلی عبارت و نکته یاد بگیری. روزی یک خبر بخون و بعد از یک ماه تاثیرشو ببین!

خانواده نوشیدنی انگلیسی

Channel: @Eng_Juice

Channel Link: https://t.me/+ZAx7cON2cKwyZjNk

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