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Dr Seth : Health and Freedom Warriors 😊

Логотип телеграм канала @drsethgerlach — Dr Seth : Health and Freedom Warriors 😊 D
Логотип телеграм канала @drsethgerlach — Dr Seth : Health and Freedom Warriors 😊
Адрес канала: @drsethgerlach
Категории: Экономика
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 4.39K

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Последние сообщения 5

2023-03-17 00:50:51

Those who opposed the federal reserve died on the Titanic. James Cameron makes subtle hints to this in his film in the cigar room. It was all a plot setup by banksters who did not want anything to do with a new money system, let alone one backed with GOLD. The Gold Standard ends the FEDs power. That power that has kept America and hundreds of nations hostage via the Central Banks.

Those who opposed the Fed: Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus, John Jacob Astor IV - who was (the wealthiest passenger aboard the ship.) The world was told a tragic story about the iceberg crash and sinking, leading to a top movie of all time…yet it goes way deeper (pun intended) than that.

Titanic sank 1912, The Federal Reserve bank was created 1913. Connect the dots. You may think “why does this matter, it’s 2022?” That’s the exact thinking they want all of us to have. It matters big time when you learn about “fractional reserve banking”, inflation and how it happens, why we pay so much taxes, and how the government takes control of 5,000+ things when originally WE THE PEOPLE created it to only do about 19 things with our consent (US CODE)

All the worlds a stage!

525 views21:50
2023-03-16 17:19:50
NEW - Fauci: Americans will likely need "a booster shot once a year."

422 views14:19
2023-03-15 20:08:43
The banks are totally safe!
246 views17:08
2023-03-13 23:05:42
450 views20:05
2023-03-13 15:31:02
477 views12:31
2023-03-12 21:48:31 https://makismd.substack.com/p/veteran-british-airways-pilot-collapses
463 views18:48
2023-03-11 19:10:08
It wasn't a payout... it was a payoff. There, I fixed it.

But, no one is allowed to question it?

Watch as the demons rage against the light.
506 views16:10
2023-03-10 15:38:39 https://www.disclose.tv/id/100108/
552 views12:38
2023-03-10 05:57:25
In 1929 the United States was “official in depression”….

Only 4 years later ( just 1 President to create the fear) Executive Order 6102 was signed making illegal to hoard “gold currency”….

….so FEAR was the catalyst to trigger the inflationary system we CURRENTLY have
Try going to the bank and taking OUT $20K…

….now try LEAVING $20K….

When only 2-3% of CIRCULATING SUPPLY is physical (not the 3-5% he mentions), why do these physical bank locations even exist?!?

97% of circulating supply is backed by YOU

Meaning, new money cannot be “printed” without the signature of DEBT by a physical man or woman.

The WEIGHT of your wealth needs protection…and it won’t happen in centralized systems

It can ONLY happen on decentralized ones….

1. Property
2. Commodities
3. Skills
4. Private Localized Crypto
556 views02:57