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For more than 90 days our loved ones are held in captivity, wa | Записки

For more than 90 days our loved ones are held in captivity, waiting for the exchange.

Now, the occupiers threaten them with death sentences under the tribunal in cages, in Mariupol Chamber Philharmonic.

Defenders of Azovstal hoped for international law, international institutions, yet all they got is harsh captivity conditions, tortures, famine, murder and absence of any guarantees.

They fought for our freedom. Now is our turn to stand for them!

We call the world to stop this humiliating trial upon them in dpr. Mr. Erdoğan, Mr. Xi Jinpin, Mr. Guterres, help Ukraine return the Azovstal garrison home alive!

Say “No” to the tribunal for Ukrainian defenders. We demand immediate exchange of all Azovstal garrison!