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Django Unleashed Framework

Логотип телеграм канала @django_prog — Django Unleashed Framework D
Логотип телеграм канала @django_prog — Django Unleashed Framework
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Категории: Технологии
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 1.74K
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Лучшие материалы по разработке на фреймворке Django на русском и английском языке
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Последние сообщения 5

2022-06-17 19:30:20
A quick overview of what I'm building

The goal of my Django journey is to re-build the existing platform for my startup, which is used by roughly 2,500 empoyees across 160 businesses. I think this is the right moment to do so, since I know just enough Django do match the features our cur...

Read: https://djangojourney.hashnode.dev/a-quick-overview-of-what-im-building
313 views16:30
2022-06-17 18:49:03
Before I begin...

I've always been fascinated with building things with code. Back when MySpace was a thing, I remember spending countless hours on customizing my profile with custom HTML and inline CSS. But coding remained a hobby. Plus, I didn't like science enough ...

Read: https://djangojourney.hashnode.dev/before-i-begin
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2022-06-17 14:06:20
Introduction to Django

In this very first article of our Django for Beginners series, we'll learn what Django is. We'll discuss its features, functionalities, and almost everything we need to get started with it. So, let's dive in!
What is Django?
Django is a high-level ...

Read: https://ashutoshkrris.hashnode.dev/introduction-to-django
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2022-06-17 13:03:41
Django News - Last Chance for a DjangoCon Europe 2023 - Jun 17th 2022

Read: https://django-news.com/issues/132
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2022-06-17 13:03:40
Django News - Last Chance for a DjangoCon Europe 2023 - Jun 17th 2022

Read: https://django-news.com/issues/132
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2022-06-17 03:59:36
Django - forgot username & password

4 months ago, I started a django project with the admin module, but soon stopped using . Yesterday, I tried to start it and found that I forgot the admin password.
How to get it back? Let's use the python shell.
Using the Python shell (in terminal)

Read: https://beareatapple.hashnode.dev/django-forgot-username-and-password
366 views00:59
2022-06-17 03:55:21
Django | forgot username & password

4 months ago, I started a django project with the admin module, but soon stopped using . Yesterday, I tried to start it and found that I forgot the admin password.
How to get it back? Let's use the python shell.
Using the Python shell (in terminal)

Read: https://beareatapple.hashnode.dev/django-or-forgot-username-and-password
362 views00:55
2022-06-15 23:46:57 О том, как в питоне без протокола и задеплоить приложение не могут. Смешиваем ASGI с WSGI — вредные советы

Как должны выглядеть современные сервисы на питоне, многие имеют представление. Все они так или иначе имеют поддержку асинхронных операций. А вот как их лучше деплоить? Здесь некоторые руководства (как FastAPI) отвели целый раздел для рекомендаций, а некоторые (как Django) ограничились несколькими абзацами с крайне размытыми формулировками. Мне не посчастливилось следовать именно последнему.

Вероятно, прочитав эту статью, Вы захотите внести изменения в докерфайлы Ваших сервисов. Благодаря протоколам WSGI и ASGI, это можно сделать без особого труда. Именно поэтому все изложенные в статье советы - вредные. Также Вы узнаете о nginx unit - ещё об одном годном сервере приложений.

Читать: https://habr.com/ru/post/671604/
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2022-06-14 14:48:57
Setting up ad hoc environments for Django applications with AWS ECS, Terraform and GitHub Actions

This article will show how software development teams can build on-demand instances of a web application project for dog-food testing, quality review, internal and external demos and other use cases that require short-lived but feature-complete...

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2022-06-14 14:40:48
A Step-By-Step Guide to Building an API in Django

This tutorial will teach you how to set up a Django project and create an API that will return the anime list.
API is a middle man between two apps. It allows one app to use the features of another app. For example, an API can be used to allow a soci...

Read: https://wulfi.hashnode.dev/a-step-by-step-guide-to-building-an-api-in-django
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