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Django Unleashed Framework

Логотип телеграм канала @django_prog — Django Unleashed Framework D
Логотип телеграм канала @django_prog — Django Unleashed Framework
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Категории: Технологии
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 1.74K
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Лучшие материалы по разработке на фреймворке Django на русском и английском языке
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2022-05-11 09:10:36 How To Implement A Recently Viewed Feature In Your Django Web App

Often when we build web applications, we want to keep a record of the items our web app users recently viewed. Our web app could be a Blog where we want to keep a record of the post a user ( Authenticated or Anonymous User ) recently vie...

Read: https://dracodes.com/how-to-implement-a-recently-viewed-feature-in-your-django-web-app
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2022-05-10 14:15:07
How To Implement A Recently Viewed Feature In Your Django Web App

Often when we build web applications, we want to keep a record of the items our web app users recently viewed. Our web app could be a Blog where we want to keep a record of the post a user( Authenticated or Anonymous User ) recently view...

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2022-05-09 17:37:10
How to set up environment variables in Django?

Django does not come with built-in support for dot env(.env) files. But we have an amazing Python package for that.

Let’s first install this package in our Django project’s virtual environment.

pip install python-dotenv

The next step is to create...

Read: https://blog.devjunction.in/set-up-environment-variables-in-django
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2022-05-09 13:24:19
Google SSO Integration with Django

Hi ,
Nowadays Instead of custom authentication everybody is using the SSO . Instead of maintaining the passwords and user information we are depending on the trusted companies like Google , OKTA... etc. In the same way I migrated project to remove th...

Read: https://venkatesh.hashnode.dev/google-sso-integration-with-django
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2022-05-09 12:45:32
Managing Multiple User Types With Django And Django Rest Framework

When creating a Django program you might want to have different users with varied permissions and features accessible to them. I've seen that this is a typical difficulty that many developers face in the early phases of development, therefore I've de...

Read: https://lyrx.hashnode.dev/managing-multiple-user-types-with-django-and-django-rest-framework
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2022-05-09 11:19:33
Electron + Django ( Part 2 ), package it to production

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How do we package the electron app with django? you may be more eager to know the answer if you have completed reading "Electron + Django ( Part 1 ), desktop app integrate JavaScript & Python".
In this blog, I would like to exp...

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Electron + Django, package it to production

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How do we package the electron app with django? you may be more eager to know the answer if you have completed reading "Electron + Django, desktop app integrate JavaScript & Python".
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2022-05-07 18:40:42
How to auto generate Rest API Docs in Django Rest Framework with Open API schema for your Rest API?

Let's directly jump into the steps without wasting any time.

Open your root urls.py and paste this code at the end of your urls.py file -

from rest_framework.documentation import include_docs_urls

# For autogenerated API d...

Read: https://blog.devjunction.in/how-to-auto-generate-rest-api-docs-in-django-rest-framework-with-open-api-schema-for-your-rest-api
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2022-05-06 20:20:29
Multiple File Upload With One Request In Django Rest Framework

Most times, we might want to upload multiple files to our server in a single request. In this tutorial I'll be uploading multiple files and then returning the image URL as response. I assume we already know how to install and setup django, django re...

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2022-05-06 17:30:03Просто выучить Python для первой работы недостаточно

Важно разобраться в алгоритмах и структурах данных, автоматических тестах, освоить Django и всё необходимое для качественной разработки в команде.

Освоить профессию Python-разработчика можно на «Хекслете». Курс невозможно просто «отсидеть» или «прослушать»: на нём дают только самое необходимое для условий реального продакшена. Вы получите доступ к open source проектам, базе тестовых задач для подготовки к собеседованиям, а также кейсам для портфолио.

Узнайте подробнее о профессии «Python-разработчик» и оцените формат школы: https://clck.ru/gmX86

Это #партнёрский пост
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