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ArgoCD Best Practices You Should Know Argo Best Practices: 1. | Mops DevOps

ArgoCD Best Practices You Should Know

Argo Best Practices:
1. Disallow providing an empty retryStrategy
2. Ensure that Workflow pods are not configured to use the default service account
3. Ensure label part-of: argocd exists for ConfigMaps
4. Disable with DAG to set FailFast=false
5. Ensure Rollout pause step has a configured duration
6. Specify Rollout’s revisionHistoryLimit
7. Set scaleDownDelaySeconds to 30s to ensure IP table propagation across the nodes in a cluster
8. Ensure retry on both Error and TransientError
9. Ensure progressDeadlineAbort set to true, especially if progressDeadlineSeconds has been set
10. Ensure custom resources match the namespace of the ArgoCD instance

