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Последние сообщения 12

2022-06-15 16:07:29
Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform on Microsoft Azure - Network Access - blog #2

Read: https://www.ansible.com/blog/red-hat-ansible-automation-platform-on-microsoft-azure-network-access-blog-2
190 views13:07
2022-06-15 15:29:55
Why DevOps-Case Study

DevOps is the new and efficient way of developing applications. It is a collection of practices that shortens the development lifecycle of a system/application. It's not just frontend, backend, database and scripting. It is something that changes how...

Read: https://kubesimplify.com/why-devops-case-study
209 views12:29
2022-06-15 15:05:01Ловите качественный бесплатный курс по паттернам проектирования

Он подойдёт как начинающим, так и опытным разработчикам. Если вы хотели узнать про то, как повысить читаемость вашего кода, сделать его более качественным, а также про MVC, подходы при проектировании, GRASP-шаблоны и многое другое, то обязательно просмотрите его.

Смотрим тут: https://tprg.ru/7dTr

Это #партнёрский пост
220 views12:05
2022-06-15 10:24:39
Spring Boot + Sentry: Error Monitoring

In this article, you are going to learn the integration of Spring boot and sentry.
What us Sentry:
Self-hosted and cloud-based application monitoring that helps software teams see clearer, solve quicker, & learn continuously. Sentry is help developer...

Read: https://techwasti.com/spring-boot-sentry-error-monitoring
309 views07:24
2022-06-15 10:13:31 Инструменты CI/CD: GitLab CI

На рынке доступно множество инструментов непрерывной интеграции и непрерывного развёртывания. Эти инструменты играют ведущую роль в координации и автоматизации работы на различных этапах CI/CD-пайплайна.

Мы пообщались с Александром Довнаром, Lead DevOps в Naviteq, и узнали, как безопасность проекта связана с выбором CI/CD-инструмента. Подробно остановились на том, что такое GitLab CI, кому он подходит и почему его стоит использовать.

Читать: https://habr.com/ru/post/671426/?utm_campaign=671426
312 views07:13
2022-06-15 10:03:49
Article: Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions with Serverless and Kubernetes Native Java

Moving application workloads to multi- and hybrid cloud platforms causes more carbon dioxide emissions even though better scalability and performance. Serverless and Kubernetes Native Java enable developers to solve the global climate changes by reducing carbon dioxide emissions by natively native features with milliseconds first boot time, tiny resident set size memory and scalability.
By Daniel Oh

Read: https://www.infoq.com/articles/reduce-CO2-with-serveless/
303 views07:03
2022-06-15 06:36:55
Web API As Azure Function - DevOps

Previous few article in this series we have discussed around how to develop and configure Web API as Azure Function.
In this article there is information around how to prepare function definition and API for deployment.
Build Pipeline

Build Project...

Read: https://jinalkumarpatel.hashnode.dev/web-api-as-azure-function-devops
336 views03:36
2022-06-14 21:17:14
MongoDB setup in Kubernetes using MongoDB Operator

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that supports large as well as small size of datasets. Just like any other database standalone setup, MongoDB is straightforward but we have to make a replicated or shared cluster of MongoDB, and there we have cert...

Read: https://iamabhishekdubey.hashnode.dev/mongodb-setup-in-kubernetes-using-mongodb-operator
354 views18:17
2022-06-14 20:40:15
The essentials about CI/CD and GitOps enabled by a fancy Jenkinsfile

There are a lot of developers working in a daily basis pushing code and deploying it to different environments.
Sometimes they don't even notice the details, but how this code gets deployed? how a pipeline looks like to deploy into different environm...

Read: https://rodrigocprates.hashnode.dev/jenkins-pipeline-essentials
351 views17:40
2022-06-14 17:45:42
Run Apache APISIX on Microsoft Azure Container Instance

Apache APISIX is an open-source Microservice API gateway and platform designed for managing microservices requests of high availability, fault tolerance, and distributed system. You can install Apache APISIX by the different methods (Doc...

Read: https://boburadvocate.hashnode.dev/run-apache-apisix-on-microsoft-azure-container-instance
340 views14:45