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Stills from the «L'Voy, IceSplinter - CAPRI» music video. Colo | Dehancer

Stills from the «L'Voy, IceSplinter - CAPRI» music video. Color graded by Román Alfredo Picazo

Film profiles: Kodak Vision3 250D, 50D & 500T
Print profile: Kodak 2383
Effects: Grain, Halation, Bloom & Gate Weave

Directors: Román Alfredo Picazo & Óscar Villarroya
DOP: Joaquín García-Riestra Guhl
Edit: Román Alfredo Picazo, Óscar Villarroya & Manuel S. Pita-Romero
Color: Román Alfredo Picazo

Shot on Blackmagic Pocket 6k

Watch the music video here: