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Dean O'Brien / Дин О'Брайeн - Freelance Photographer

Логотип телеграм канала @deanobeano1 — Dean O'Brien / Дин О'Брайeн - Freelance Photographer D
Логотип телеграм канала @deanobeano1 — Dean O'Brien / Дин О'Брайeн - Freelance Photographer
Адрес канала: @deanobeano1
Категории: Блоги
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 1.09K
Описание канала:

British photographer documenting the conflict in Donbass and other former Soviet countries.
email - deano68@mac.com

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Последние сообщения

2022-08-30 21:25:54
The establishment is doing all it can to stop me.

You can help by spreading the word and get everyone you know to tune in and watch the Galloway Show 10pm Wednesdays on Youtube.

#GallowayShow #Media #MSM
160 views18:25
2022-08-30 16:13:02
This is a Petal mine replica for teaching purposes (I would never touch a real one, I'm not that crazy, but have seen them at close range). To give you a sense of the size of these nasty devices which Ukraine has been raining down on Donetsk, Gorlovka, Makeevka, and other Donbass cities and settlements since late July. Small but powerful enough to tear off a foot or hand or severely damage them. Ukraine's use of them is illegal, against international law and the Ottawa Convention which Ukraine signed. As of August 27, 56 civilians have been maimed by them, including a 15 year old boy.


108 views13:13
2022-08-30 16:12:54
Imagine being forced to pony up nearly 10k for two months of power just so the West can continue propping up the corrupt Zelensky regime and still keeping the Ukraine flag in your Twitter handle
118 views13:12
2022-08-28 20:34:40
As energy prices continue to rise, and the UK government continue to finance the war in Ukraine at your expense, George Galloway continues to ask the questions no other politicians in the UK will.
441 views17:34
2022-08-27 20:19:06
A few months ago western mainstream media were more than happy to report about Mariupol when apartments were being shelled. Accusing the Russians, when the majority of people who lived here know that Ukrainian forces were hiding in these residential buildings using civilians as human shields.

Fast forward to today, and now that Ukrainian forces (including the neo-Nazi ‘Azov’ Battalion) have been eliminated from the area, these apartments are now being rebuilt by the Russian government. For those people who lost their apartments due to shelling, these will be offered for free.

Strange how we wont see this footage on the news this evening.
454 views17:19
2022-08-27 12:27:01
As many of you have already gathered. We are only seeing one side of this conflict.
4.0K views09:27
2022-08-27 10:07:41
The ex. US Republican Senator Richard Black opened up about the Ukrainian war.

‘We don't care how many Ukrainians die. How many women, children, civilians, military will die. We do not care. It's like a great football game and we want to win’.

Russia did not plan the invasion in advance. This can be seen from the number of troops involved in the attack. Ukraine had 250 thousand, and Russia attacked with only 160 thousand.

Putin was forced to attack in order to prevent Ukraine from attacking the Donbass.

Russia is trying not to inflict damage on civilian Ukrainians, because. considers them brothers-Slavs.

Unlike American tanks in Vietnam, the Russians stopped in front of peaceful crowds in the early days of the invasion. We would just crush them in such a situation.

Ukraine cannot make a decision about peace. The decision about peace can only be made in Washington, but as long as we want to continue this war, we will fight until the last Ukrainian dies.
16.8K viewsedited  07:07
2022-08-26 13:02:18
As the majority of people here in the UK continue to suffer, yet again it’s great to see the Workers Party telling it how it is. Stop funding the war in Ukraine!
574 views10:02
2022-08-24 15:03:51
The moment of the fall of the "Mother Motherland" at the memorial to the soldiers-liberators in Riga

We watch as 3 useless countries trying to make themselves relevant, attempt to break our spirit. Won't happen.
498 views12:03
2022-08-24 12:45:59
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia announces a reward of one million rubles for assistance in detaining the commanders of the Ukrainian nationalist battalion Konstantin Nemichev and Sergei Velichko, accused of committing a crime under Article 317 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
During the preliminary investigation, it was established that these persons tortured Russian servicemen and killed them with particular cruelty. https://t.me/greatrussia1/15993
424 views09:45