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Agregore 1.0.4 - Full release, new extensions system [https:// | Decentralize!

Agregore 1.0.4 - Full release, new extensions system


This is the first "full" release of Agregore Desktop.
The project has come a long way, and the approach has stabilized enough that it's unlikely to break between minor changes.
From here on, the project will be following semantic versioning for its version number. (notice how there were 4 patch releases before we got it all stable )

This release adds the following:
- A new WebExtension System which builds on top of Electron's built-in WebExtension support
-- Extensions can now register right-click context menus
-- The new "chrome.debugger" API can be used (added for the WebRecorder project)
- A new Markdown/Gemini/JSON Renderer Extension which replaces the three separate ones we had before and is more efficient with system resources (speeds up initial loads of all pages)
- An updated QR Code extension which lets you generate QR codes for any link or image on a page as well as the page itself (Plus enables you to scan QR codes from files or a camera)
- The IPFS integration now uses go-ipfs v0.12.2
- The history auto-complete is finally fixed so you can quickly navigate to pages you've been to before
- More experimental web platform features are enabled by default for JavaScript apps

#IPFS #Hypercore #Gemini #SSB #BitTorrent #GUN