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Shell [ʃel] the hard outer part that protects the body of a | English! Daily word

Shell [ʃel]

the hard outer part that protects the body of a sea creature
the hard outer covering of something, especially nuts, eggs, and some animals
the basic outer structure of a building or vehicle, especially when the parts inside have been destroyed or taken or have not yet been made
a container, usually with a pointed end, that is filled with explosives and shot from a large gun

ракушка - The children were collecting shells on the beach. [Дети собирали ракушки на берегу моря.]

скорлупа - They cracked the nuts and removed their shells. [Они кололи орехи и очищали их от скорлупы.]

каркас - We saw a shell of a burned-out farmhouse in the field. [Мы увидели каркас сгоревшего амбара в поле.]

снаряд - We ran for cover as shells dropped all around us. [Мы побежали в укрытие среди рвущихся вокруг нас снарядов.]