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Логотип телеграм канала @daovc — DAO.VC | ANNOUNCEMENTS D
Логотип телеграм канала @daovc — DAO.VC | ANNOUNCEMENTS
Адрес канала: @daovc
Категории: Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 161
Описание канала:

Web: https://dao.vc
Main chat: @daovcglobal

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Последние сообщения 2

2023-03-07 17:45:32 DAO.vc Tech Team Spotlight

DAO.vc is especially proud of its tech team. Everything, from the website interface to the ingenious mechanics behind our blockchain-related operations  -  won't be possible without these guys.

Today, we'd like to acknowledge our software engineers, analysts, UX designers and many other members of our 5-star tech team!

to know more read the article
192 viewsVell || SharkRace, 14:45
2023-03-01 17:02:39
DAO.vc is expanding during the prolonged crypto winter

Last year, more than 10,000 blockchain experts were laid off by their employers due to financial problems. Meta, OKX, Polygon, Solana Metaplex, and many others announced staff reductions.

DAO.vc did not simply survive the crisis with minimal losses. We are also ready for a new leap in the market and are actively hiring technical specialists to join our team.

«Several positions are currently open for tech experts, and we are welcoming professionals from all over the world to join our team,» said Georgy Galoyan, DAO.vc founder.

At the moment, we are looking for

Back-end Dev (GoLang)
Solidity Dev
Front-end Dev (Angular//Vue.js)
other specialists for both full/part-time employment

If you have long wanted to become a part of DAO.vc (or know someone who might be interested in the positions above) send your CV & portfolio to @kosta_la_kosta7 right now.

Join the DAO.vc experts
188 viewsVell || SharkRace, 14:02
2023-02-24 15:09:17
Hey, community!

The market is buzzing, discussing the possibilities of artificial intelligence. Startups massively rushed to issue tokens that made an input in the development of AI technology, as they argue.

We asked George Galoyan, our founder and “Top 10 Blockchain Entrepreneurs to follow in 2022 by Benzigna” to share his thoughts on the AI buzz.

Tap to read
178 viewsVell || SharkRace, 12:09
2023-02-22 15:47:03
Hey, community!

Sharing with you a very interesting article by our portfolio project SharkRace on the non-pyramidal economy key points.

Non-pyramidal economy model vs pyramid-based games

Website Channel Twitter Discord
743 viewsVell || SharkRace, 12:47
2023-02-17 19:46:33 FRESH PRESS

#BitcoinNews dropped the article where the founder of DAO.vc, George Galoyan, explains that the predictions of neural networks come true, and what are the pros and cons of CBDC on the today's NFT market trends.

“in 2055 digital currencies will be commonly used together with fiat currencies, and bitcoin and ETH will become full-fledged means of payment.”

Want to read more? Follow the link to read the full article: https://bitconnews.net/cryptocurrency-or-cbdc-whos-going-to-win/
205 viewsVell || SharkRace, 16:46
2023-02-10 19:12:24
It's all about match!

With the new Social Network by DAO.vc - projects find investors by love, and we've made sure it is easy, and saves you a lot of time.

A startup registration page has all vitally important fields to create a perfect showcase and pitch to investors. Use your imagination to stand out from the rest.

Anonymous teams scare venture funds. Open your team to raise trust. People work with people.

Drop your latest updates, so that investors know you're actively developing.

Do not be afraid to take the initiative and send "hearts" to investors - this way they will pay attention to your project and might respond in return.

If you have a match - bingo! Text your potential partner, set up meetings and close deals.

Join the global venture capital family!

The new platform is coming soon!

Pre-register on the Social Network for the venture capital industry now: https://dao.vc/feedback/social
224 viewsVell || SharkRace, 16:12
2023-02-06 18:24:14 Hey, community!

Monday hot off the press is here!

A new opinion article with the DAO.vc founder, crypto expert, George Galoyan on the decentralized models perspectives

215 viewsVell || SharkRace, 15:24
2023-02-01 11:21:27
DAO.vc is happy to introduce our recent portfolio project - SharkRace!

SharkRace is the world’s first project with Customizable NFTs and P2E Metaverse Games.

Great utilities, premium graphics, max ROI, and fun - make SharkRace a new sensation in the competitive NFT/GameFi market!

Each King Shark is a part of an exclusive NFT collection. SharkRace is the first project that lets its holders upgrade their initial NFT with crazy super-rare traits, change meta-data and get a lifelong revenue from the treasury. Precious resources are allocated according to the rarity rank of a Shark.


Two P2E games with NOT-pyramid based economy model developed by game architect Menaskop (read article)

Try FREE beta of the 1st game


35+ Backers
Shima Capital
SL 2
OIG Capital
Synapse & others

Join the SharkRace team to not miss their upcoming launch!


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175 viewsVell || SharkRace, edited  08:21
2023-01-27 17:32:00
There are three things you can watch forever: fire, water, and other people working…

One of these options has already been added to our social platform!

We created "favorites" so that you can keep an eye on how your favorite projects progress. This feature is particularly useful for investors: project status, updates and major events will be under the microscope!

Of course, we have not forgotten about the convenience part. The news of the selected projects that you trace will be separated from the flow, so that you don't miss anything important and don't spend too much time searching.

Lots more great things to come!
Can’t wait to try it? pre-registration is alive!

Website Channel Twitter Discord
180 viewsVell || SharkRace, 14:32
2023-01-24 17:31:03
Raising funds for a startup is a challenging task, isn’t?

As an ecosystem project with its own VC fund and incubator ourselves, we do know this pain.
Therefore, we took it into account while developing the Social Platform.

The functionality of the platform will allow startups to explore the profiles of investors, see their preferences and the amount of money they want to invest.

You can apply for an investment with one button-click!

The investor will review your page, and if there is a match (yes, only mutual love!) will make an appointment.

Simple and easy! Prepare to join!

Pre-registration is already open on DAO.vc

Website Channel Twitter Discord
168 viewsVell || SharkRace, 14:31