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Hey there everybody. Sorry for not posting in so long, i'm jus | Danila's dead blog

Hey there everybody. Sorry for not posting in so long, i'm just not the type of person to post about my life online a lot.
So when i first discovered crypto i was very skeptical of its potential. It was in the uncanny valley for me and i just thought it was too complicated for me. However i didn't have much luck finding a job elsewhere and i was approached with a job from Minter as a translator and i agreed, not that i had anything better to do. After being explained the basics of how this new blockchain worked i was a bit hooked on the idea of passive income for my services. Then after a received my dedicated coin, DANEELA, it just clicked for me. I was basically getting 2 bucks a day for sitting on my ass and doing jack with a translation request coming in once every week or so. That's basically a fullprice game every month for doing almost nothing. Then, word spread of a russian-english translator in the network and i started getting more translation requests on the side from other projects, so i could make extra money to invest into my coin for EVEN MORE passive income. As it stands right now, i'm one of the most popular translators in the Minter network. Not saying much considering the network is still in its infancy and hasn't really hit the mainstream yet but hey.
What i'm trying to say is, Minter has A TON of potential. Business, job opportunities, you name it.
And just recently i heard about a contest where you had to make a tutorial for buying BIP and the rewards if you win are biiig. So i took my editing skills and my accent-ridden voice (because i haven't spoken english out loud in a while) and i made a tutorial. Here it is, hope y'all like it.