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​Текст из аудиозаписи представлен ниже. Правильный ответ выдел | TNPSC

​Текст из аудиозаписи представлен ниже. Правильный ответ выделен жирным.

Hurricane Dean looked like a monster. It developed into a category 5, the highest and most dangerous level. Category 1 is called "minimal," with wind speeds up to 95 mph. Category 5 is called "catastrophic," with wind speeds of at least 156 mph. It blows over trees and destroys small buildings. Hurricane Dean hit Jamaica, just south of Cuba. It destroyed hundreds of homes in Jamaica, and then continued west toward Belize and Yucatan, part of Mexico. Cancun, a Mexican resort town on the Gulf of Mexico, was also in danger.

Thousands of tourists caught early flights out of Cancun. But some stayed. "Hurricanes are usually more bark than bite," said one tourist from Mississippi. "Of course, sometimes they're all bite, like Katrina a couple of years ago, and Andrew and Camille before that." -"Don't forget Hugo, and Charley, and Agnes, and Rita," his wife chimed in. "Oh, yeah, and Gilbert! And what about Wilma?"

Во время ураганов 5-й категории скорость ветра достигает отметки не менее 156 миль в час. Большинство закончили предложение верно

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