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Текст из аудиозаписи представлен ниже. Правильный ответ выделе | TNPSC

Текст из аудиозаписи представлен ниже. Правильный ответ выделен жирным.

Actor Brett Maverick, the lead actor in many movies, was taken to Cedars-Sinai Hospital after his brother called an ambulance. Luke had found Brett in a dazed state with both of his wrists slashed. A hospital spokesperson said that the cuts on his wrists were superficial, and that Brett was in good condition.

The actor has starred in many romantic comedies. He often portrays a character who meets a girl who doesn't like him at first but falls in love with him by the end of the movie. In fact, a real-life romance occurred in his last movie. His costar, actress Katherine Hepburn, fell in love with Brett and moved in with him. This occurred despite the fact that Katherine was engaged to wed Richard Burton, another well-known actor. Burton, heartbroken, told the media that he was going to become a Buddhist monk.

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