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​​Текст из аудиозаписи представлен ниже. Правильный ответ выде | TNPSC

​​Текст из аудиозаписи представлен ниже. Правильный ответ выделен жирным.

In New York, the residents at a senior center have been receiving free doughnuts and other baked goods for years. The sweets are donated by bakeries and other shops that have leftovers that are not quite fresh enough to sell. The seniors devour the sweets.

But the city council has decided that these sweets are no good for the seniors. It just passed a law forbidding free day-old sweets for the senior center. "We want our seniors to live as long as possible, and these sweets can only contribute to obesity. With obesity come high blood pressure, circulation problems, and diabetes. So we are doing this for their own good," said Karl Rove, a city council member. The senior citizens are having none of this. They immediately called Rove and other council members to protest this ban.

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