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​​Текст из аудиозаписи представлен ниже. Правильный ответ выде | TNPSC

​​Текст из аудиозаписи представлен ниже. Правильный ответ выделен жирным.

Abigail and Jeremy got divorced about 10 years ago. Abigail did not want to see a lawyer, worried that it might turn ugly. So she talked to Jeremy, who agreed that it was a good idea to not use lawyers. He said not to worry; he would take care of her. She said she wasn't looking for a free ride-she could take care of herself. But, Jeremy insisted, he would help her out, then or whenever she needed money. It was the least he could do for her, since she was not taking 50 percent of his income and property.

So, Jeremy gave her $10,000 before they got divorced, because Abigail said that would be all she would need to finish getting her master's degree and start teaching. And that was it. For the next 10 years after getting her degree, Abigail worked as a teacher.

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