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American Space and Makerspace Dushanbe are glad to announce th | Daily Opportunity

American Space and Makerspace Dushanbe are glad to announce the call for team registration for the Tech Debate Cup 2021!

Tech Debate Cup 2021 aims to raise awareness about technologies of the current and future, their place in our lives, and the coexistence of humans and technologies.
We also aim to gather a debate community to share opinions and knowledge.

Due to the epidemiological situation in the country, this debate tournament will be hybrid:

Date: July 10 - 11
Language: English

- Four online qualification rounds will be on July 10th on Zoom
- Offline Semi-Final and Final will be on July 11th at the American Space Dushanbe with streaming on Facebook and Instagram.

We guarantee you good judges and vibe, you - hot rounds!

Registration deadline: July 9th at 1 p.m.

Link to register: shorturl.at/bpuU0

#ASD #MakerspaceDushanbe #USTJ30 #TechCup21