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⁤Прошла ежегодная конференция, посвященная OSINT - conINT 2021 | Cybred

Прошла ежегодная конференция, посвященная OSINT - conINT 2021.

Некоторые темы докладов:
Rapid Rapport: the Algorithm for building trust and liking in person or online
Alice in Onionland: Brand Infringement Attribution, Traceability and Online to Offline Actionable Intelligence
Create a Raspberry Pi OSINT Lab
Darkweb intelligence and CSAM Investigations
Hunting the FBI's Most Wanted: An OSINT Case Study
OSINT on the Ocean: Maritime Intelligence Gathering Techniques
Improving Your OSINT Skills by Inconveniencing Scammers

Трансляция на твиче: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1210896210