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Подборка научной литературы: Бюрократия при Абсолютизме 1. Ad | КиберЛенинка

Подборка научной литературы:
Бюрократия при Абсолютизме

1. Adams J., Steinmetz G. Sovereignty and Sociology: From State Theory to Theories of Empire☆ This article is a first published version of a longer argument, for which thanks are due to many for their helpful feedback. // Patrimonial capitalism and empire. 2015. P. 269-285. URL: https://sociology.yale.edu/sites/default/files/sovereigntysociology.pdf

2. Chvojka M. School of Public Morality or Instrument of Political Repression? Theatre Censorship between Vienna, Brno and Opava from Enlightened Absolutism to the Pre-March Period // Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung. 2013. Vol. 62. N. 1. P. 76-107. URL: https://www.zfo-online.de/portal/index.php/zfo/article/download/9454/9453

3. Gábriš T. Systematic versus casuistic approach to law: On the benefits of legal casuistry // Journal of Ethics and Legal Technologies. 2019. Vol. 1. N. 1. P. 57-76. URL: https://jelt.padovauniversitypress.it/system/files/papers/jelt-01-01-04.pdf

4. Hagen W. W. Descent of the Sonderweg: Hans Rosenberg's History of Old-Regime Prussia // Central European History. 1991. Vol. 24. N. 1. P. 24-50. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/William-Hagen-3/publication/231914121_Descent_of_the_Sonderweg_Hans_Rosenberg's_History_of_Old-Regime_Prussia/links/5d3e378ba6fdcc370a694aa9/Descent-of-the-Sonderweg-Hans-Rosenbergs-History-of-Old-Regime-Prussia.pdf

5. Harding R., Solbes Ferri S. The contractor state and its implications, 1659-1815. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2012. 335 p. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joel-Felix/publication/317167509_Victualling_Louis_XV's_armies_The_Munitionnaire_des_Vivres_de_Flandres_et_d'Allemagne_and_the_military_supply_system/links/59280d34a6fdcc444353c2fc/Victualling-Louis-XVs-armies-The-Munitionnaire-des-Vivres-de-Flandres-et-dAllemagne-and-the-military-supply-system.pdf

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