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https://t.me/chessgame_2022/36 Answer: Rb5! The manoeuvre he | Chessgame


Answer: Rb5!

The manoeuvre here is quite simple. The idea is to constantly threaten the pawn capture on b2. This threat will force the black king to defend since if the pawn on b2 is taken, the only thing white has to do is to sacrifice the rook for the g4 pawn and the game is a draw — black cannot checkmate with a king and two knights!
Because of this, the black king is going to have to protect the b2 pawn at all costs. The question that might arise when thinking about this whole plan is : what if after the check with the rook on the c file the black king hides on b2 ?
Here you have to find the critical move Re6!!. Black cannot move any knight since they protect each other, and the black pawn is fixated on g4. Therefore, the black king has to move one more time which allows white to give perpetual check.