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100 Telegram Premium. Every week, @notmeme gives away 100 Tel | CHEQUES

100 Telegram Premium.

Every week, @notmeme gives away 100 Telegram Premium for funny memes, videos, and pictures.

You don't need to make memes only about Not Meme; the meme theme is free (life situations, sarcasm, or irony, basically any topic that comes to mind).

The results of the contest are announced every Saturday — https://t.me/notmeme_forum/7204

Create a funny meme and share it on: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and VK. Add hashtags #notmeme and #notmemes to your post. In the comments of the meme, include three links:

1. https://t.me/post_and_earn
2. https://t.me/notmeme
3. https://t.me/notmemes

Once you publish the post on social media, fill out the form: https://forms.gle/ndamEFX8M1sXEqot6

After moderation, your post will appear in this topic: https://t.me/notmeme_forum/7204 and on the channel @notmemes, where subscribers will view your posts and rate them with reactions.

Leave your questions on the forum: @notmeme_forum
