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#EnglishNotes #Grammar #Prepositions Коварные предлоги: Made | Чекма́сова учит

#EnglishNotes #Grammar #Prepositions
Коварные предлоги: Made of / from / with ??

Made of = видно (понятно) из чего сделано

Made from = непонятно (не видно / не очевидно) из чего сделано

Let's compare:
The table is made of wood.
Paper is made from wood.

The house is made of bricks.
The skirt is made of silk.

Plastic is made from oil.
Wine is made from grapes.

A man of iron = a strong-willed person
This man has a heart of gold. = He is very kind.

Made with = (обычно про еду и напитки) спрашиваем из каких ингредиентов состоит

This dish is made with beef, red peppers and herbs.
Is sushi always made with raw fish or do the Japanese use cooked fish too?

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