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#Vocabulary Hey Here are some nice tips and useful vocabular | Чекма́сова учит

Here are some nice tips and useful vocabulary:
Shortcoming = недостаток, несовершенство
e.g. We all have some shortcomings.
to Embrace (what makes you unique) = accept something enthusiastically (принимать; "обнимать"; воспользоваться)
e.g. He embraced the opportunity to study further.
to feel Overwhelmed = difficult to fight against (чувствовать себя перегруженным)
e.g. They were overwhelmed with work. Они были завалены работой.
Make time for yourself = уделить время себе
Accomplishment = achievement (достижение)
to Set boundaries = устанавливать (личные) границы
e.g. You need to set boundaries with your children.
Take on = брать на себя (работу, дела)
Handle = deal with (справляться (с чем либо))
e.g. If you can't handle the problem I'll get someone else to do it.