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One of the initial motivations behind CatOps was to have a pub | CatOps

One of the initial motivations behind CatOps was to have a public notebook. I was saving tons of links and articles at the time and wanted to share those with the community, but also have a way to search for materials in case I need to get back to something. With time CatOps has evolved into something bigger that that,

Telegram channel perfectly serves the first purpose, but searchability is far from perfect.

That’s why I have created a Substack newsletter. I’ll try to make those newsletters weekly or bi-weekly. Although, I’m not commiting in anything at the moment, let’s see how it goes.

There are two main purposes of this newsletter:
- Searchability
- Be a home for medium-sized posts

Emails are much better to search for things, in my opinion, moreover they’ll have more concentrated lists of things inside.

Also, sometimes I want to share thoughts that take a little bit more space than a readable Telegram post, but aren’t exactly a full blog post. Hopefully, Substack can become a home for such things.

So, feel free to subscribe to my new newsletter! If you’re not keen to it, no worries - Telegram is still the main place to share interesting links with y’all!