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Some notes from the interview with Kent Beck on the cargo cult | CatOps

Some notes from the interview with Kent Beck on the cargo culting software engineering practices and approaches to develop software in general.

Here are few my notes from this article:

- There is no value in copy-pasting someone else's processes and approaches e.g. Spotify-model. You have to work to develop your unique approach, because your context is different. Things that work for won't probably work for you.

What engineering practices can other companies and startups learn from Facebook?

Nothing. People should figure out what their style is and do their style. I’ve been talking about software process for a long, long time. Something I notice is there are people who are uncomfortable taking responsibility. They want a process where they can say, “Well, hey, we executed the process. We failed, but we executed the process.”

- Job titles shape culture and process as well: if there's a Scrum master, ppl won't use Kanban, etc.

- You need to think ahead, how long a software would live and how many times is it used. You can plan accordingly:
- Do not overthink scripts for limited time or usage
- Take time to design long-term systems
