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I'm a bit late with this one. Last week we had a conference to | CatOps

I'm a bit late with this one. Last week we had a conference to do, so I actually missed a lot.

Pulumi reached the version 3. Congratulations! What's new:
- Automation API. So, now you can trigger it from some other place
- Native providers for Azure and GCP. No more Terraform provider wrappings, I guess
- SDK improvements for Go and Python
- Improvements for the paid users.

So, I guess it's time to give it another try? Last time I checked Pulumi (which was more than a year ago) it was still kinda raw.

Also, it might be a good thing for people, who are still running Terraform 0.11 and hope for an "easy" upgrade to 1.0. Just kidding

#iac #pulumi