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There have always been some things I would want to write about | Беззаботный безработный

There have always been some things I would want to write about, but there is nothing really I want to write about now. But I have not written anything for so long, so I now feel I should write something. However, having nothing to write about, I am having a situation where I am writing about nothing.

That is all hilariously conspicuous I imagine. Oh, I remember! Imagine, I am now getting some academic knowledge about building in Australia. I have learnt how inspections are done: there are the pre-slab, the framing, the lock-up, the fixing inspections, the practical completion inspection (PCI) and the handover in that exact order. And the building surveyor should be present at the pre-slab, framing, the PCI and the handover. Also, at the PCI, the building surveyor should give the home owner a Certificate of Ownership. It is a requirement for the handover. However, it sometimes happens that it is not issued, and the home owner lives in the home without it quite all right. In fact, after seven years since the handover, the Certificate of Ownership loses its legal power, and is not necessary for any legal procedures.

And I have also learnt now quite a few things about the Safe Work Methods Statement and safety control measures. The reality is I have applied for a job on a freelance site: the client wanted to hire a freelancer to make summaries of classes. And it turned out exactly what I have written about in the paragraph above. It is presently my main work. I have agreed with the client $100-per-class rate, and every the is worth around 3 hours. And my main duty is to get the assessment tasks done. The client is very nice, and this is actually pretty interesting work. At first, it was quite hard as I did not know the lexicon and the professor speaks with the Australian accent. So, that was quite a workload to process. But now, it much better, as I have done two classes now.

And I have as well been getting some new clientele apart from that. Kind of startind working with a cryptocurrency mining firm. Made some landing page text for them, they did not like it at first. But then when we talked for a second time, I did it again, and it became much better, got a positive feedback this second time. And now I am waiting for them to complete some backend and frontend work so we can more actively working on to the textual content of the site. And more has been promised from them in the way of article writing. So, quite a few reasons for being optimistic.

And on top of all that, I am starting to hit some more sizeable income from a Telegram channel where I am posting work for translators and writers of different kinds. So, the channel is also giving me some optimism for the future. So, I am staying optimistic!

And I think that the DNA replication stuff is coming. Hope I will get to it before the turn of this year. No, seriously, I will write about it. And probably some other educational things.

Hope this has not been too much of a textual burden for you! Stay happy!