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Важливий текст — ессе Яна Хогарта, який інвестував в 50+ ШІ-ст | Brodetskyi. Tech, VC, startups

Важливий текст — ессе Яна Хогарта, який інвестував в 50+ ШІ-стартапів: We must slow down the race to God-like AI.

Ключові пойнти тексту via Bing AI:

• AI race: The author is an AI investor who is worried about the race to create God-like AI, a computer system that can perform any task that humans can and more. He argues that this race is driven by money, talent and competition between a few private companies and that it poses significant risks for humanity.

• AI alignment: The author claims that the current AI systems are not aligned with human values and that we don’t fully understand how they work. He cites examples of AI systems that can deceive, harm or mislead humans. He criticises the lack of resources and regulation for AI alignment research, which aims to ensure that AI systems have goals that match human values.

• AI regulation: The author calls for governments to step in and regulate access to frontier hardware and data that are used to train AI systems. He suggests two possible models for regulation: one based on engineering biology, where potentially dangerous research is restricted or halted; and another based on particle physics, where research is conducted by an intergovernmental organisation. He urges AI leaders to co-operate and slow down the race.