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Great article that shows what will happen if you do not design | Bortlog

Great article that shows what will happen if you do not design asynchronous programming features in low-level language from scratch https://tomaka.medium.com/a-look-back-at-asynchronous-rust-d54d63934a1c

It turns out that everything is kind of works, but there are a handful of annoying nuances that you have to put up with or fix with some dirty hacks. And it is similar in most languages and most runtimes. It seems to me that the industry is trying to solve the problem of expensive OS threads and context switches, not where it needs to be solved. Why can't we make OS threads more lightweight? That would be great, and we already know how to use treads in our streams and work with queues, semaphores, and mutexes. All our tooling content understands streams, then what's the problem?

In 2013, people from Google delivered this talk

Where they demonstrate how to reduce the overhead of context switch 100 times or more.
If I understand correctly, in 2013, they already used this solution for services written in C ++ using "regular" threads.

In 2020, they even offered 3 patches for Linux, but didn't finish the discussion and did not merge these patches, and it may take another 5-10 years to get back to this idea.