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Привет everybody! Today I wanna share you some fun facts about | Begin English | Авторский Блог

Привет everybody! Today I wanna share you some fun facts about the UK that you haven't known before. All facts will be in english so you should try understand without any dictionaries

1. Big Ben does not refer to the clock, but actually the bell.
2. London has been called Londonium, Ludenwic, and Ludenburg in the past.
3. London is the first city in the world to have an underground subway system.
4. There are over 30,000 people with the name John Smith in England.
5. England has the highest rate of obesity in Europe.
6. England brought the world soccer, rugby and polo.
7. The highest temperature ever recorded in England was 38.5 degrees in Kent in 2003.
8. The London 2012 Olympics is the first time that every country has at least 1 female athlete.
9. The London Olympic Stadium is the lightest stadium in the world.
10. The Queen sent her first e-mail in 1976.