Jisoo reply comments on Weverse [PART 1]: : Hi : hello hell | BLΛƆKPIИK | NEWS

Jisoo reply comments on Weverse [PART 1]:

: Hi
: hello hello

: isn't unnie sleeping yet??
: I'm lying right now haha

: Chu looks at the sky during the day vs looks at the sky at night
: I love both so much, but I love the stars more and I look at the sky at night

: what is TMI today?
: this is TMI

: i miss our unnie jisoo so much!
: I am also very strong! So much! I miss you!! I'm more!

: Jisoo, did you have insomnia?
: Umm... But even if I go to bed late, I sleep for a long time... It's a little different from insomnia...?!?! Goodnight! haha

: What did Lisa buy you in Paris?
: Not in Paris, but she bought me a Hello Kitty mask

: Jisoo, what should I do when I can't sleep? ㅜㅜ But it's good that Jisoo came after not getting enough sleep
: If you close your eyes and imagine the details, you will fall asleep You really need to get into the details!

: I haven't done it yet! When did Jisoo become so fashionable?
: Hahahaha it's me

: I want a Kitty mask too
: This is mine!!