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​​Weekly Summary on AWS (May 1-7) AMB (Amazon Managed Block | AWS Notes

​​Weekly Summary on AWS (May 1-7)

AMB (Amazon Managed Blockchain) + Goerli for Ethereum
AppConfig Feature Flag Lambda Extension + Arm/Graviton2
Braket Hybrid Jobs + embedded circuit simulators
CodeGuru Reviewer + suppress recommendations
Compute Optimizer + 4 new Trusted Advisor checks
Schedule Manager + displays metrics
Up to 6 participants on a customer service call
EKS console + info about the Kubernetes resources
IoT Secure Tunneling + single-use token and token rotation
Kinesis Video Streams + image extraction
Lex + custom vocabulary
Outposts + RDS storage autoscaling
Quicksight line chart + 2 500 → 10 000 data points
RDS for PostgreSQL + cascading read replicas for 14.1+
RDS Performance Insights + custom time window
SageMaker Canvas + new data preparation features
Service Catalog Provisioning constructs for AWS CDK

ElastiCache + new console
Panorama + Lenovo ThinkEdge SE70
RDS for SQL Server + SQL Server 2016 SP3, 2017 CU27, and 2019 CU15
Rekognition + Face API version 6
SageMaker Data Wrangler + M5/R5 instances
