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​​Weekly Summary on AWS (April 17-23) ACK (AWS Controllers | AWS Notes

​​Weekly Summary on AWS (April 17-23)

ACK (AWS Controllers for Kubernetes) + EKS, ECR, DynamoDB, S3, Autoscaling and API Gateway v2 + GA
Amazon Linux 2022 + ECS-optimized AMI
Amplify Geo for Android + GA
Amplify Studio + GA
Athena + 10 new data sources
Aurora Serverless v2 + GA
Batch + dynamically update configuration
CloudFormation + 35 new resources
Connect + API for phone numbers
DevOps Guru Proactive Insights for Serverless Applications
EC2 Auto Scaling + default instance warm-up time
EKS + OpenTelemetry Operator addon
Auto Scaling + GA
Interactive Sessions + GA
Glue Studio Detect PII + GA
Glue Studio Job Notebooks + GA
IoT TwinMaker + GA
Box Connector
Quip Connector
Keyspaces + Spark Cassandra connector
Macie + discovering more types of sensitive data
Migration Hub Orchestrator
Free trial
IAM global condition keys
openCypher GA
Personalize + starting and stopping recommender
PrivateLink + Batch
QuickSight + 1-click public embedding
RDS + Multi-AZ for Outposts
Redshift + new enhancements for Audit Logging
SageMaker Serverless Inference + GA
Security Hub + cross-Region security scores and compliance statuses
Step Functions + 20 new AWS SDK integrations
Textract + Queries

Corretto 18.0.1, 17.0.3, 11.0.15, and 8u332
Launch Wizard
Microsoft Exchange Server
MQ + ActiveMQ 5.16.4
