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​​Weekly Summary on AWS (March 20-26) ACM Private CA + cust | AWS Notes

​​Weekly Summary on AWS (March 20-26)

ACM Private CA + custom subject names, extensions, and name constraints
Amplify + @mapsTo to rename models while retaining data
Billing + detailed break down of costs for RDS
Chime SDK + 10 000 live participants
Comprehend + extract custom entities from images and Textract JSON files
Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling
Cost Anomaly Detection + resource and tag based access management
Cost Categories + resource and tag based access controls
EC2 Metadata + autoscaling/target-lifecycle-state
ECS + warm pools for EC2 Auto Scaling
GameKit for Unreal Game Engine
Kendra + Slack Connector
Lambda + /tmp ephemeral storage: 512 MB 10 GB
Lex + grammar slot type
CloudWatch alarms
Receiving inbound messages over the local area network
TensorFlow, PyTorch, and OpenCV
Proton + Terraform GA
QuickSight + Groups Management UI
RDS for PostgreSQL + tds_fdw to connect to a SQL Server
RDS Service APIs + IPv6
Service Management Connector for JSM (Jira) + AWS Support
Transcribe Call Analytics + call summarization

Corretto 18
Free Tier + db.t3.micro/db.t4g.micro for RDS
