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CloudWatch Container Insights for EKS Fargate using ADOT (AWS | AWS Notes

CloudWatch Container Insights for EKS Fargate using ADOT (AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry):


This blog presented an overview of the design of the ADOT Collector for EKS Fargate with support for CloudWatch Container Insights and demonstrated its deployment and metrics collection from workloads on an EKS Fargate cluster.
A single collector instance is able to discover all the worker nodes in an EKS cluster through the use of Kubernetes service discovery and collect metrics from them by using the Kubernetes API server as a proxy for the kubelet on worker nodes.
EKS customers will now be able to collect system metrics such as CPU, memory, disk, and network usage from workloads that are deployed to an EKS Fargate cluster and visualize them in CloudWatch dashboards, providing the same experience as CloudWatch agent.
