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​​Weekly Summary on AWS (January 30 - February 5) AppFlow + | AWS Notes

​​Weekly Summary on AWS (January 30 - February 5)

AppFlow + Custom Connector SDK for Python and Java
Amazon Connect Chat + ChatDurationInMinutes from 1 hour to 7 days
EC2 AMI + Recycle Bin
FSx for OpenZFS + full-copy volumes
IoT Core + per-device level logging
Lambda + auto scaling improvements for MSK and self-managed Kafka
Lex + multiple transcripts and confidence scores for speech input
MSK (Kafka) + 1000 MiB/s per broker
QuickSight + rich text formatting options for visual titles and subtitles
RDS Custom for Oracle + version 12.1
RDS for MariaDB + version 10.6
SageMaker Data Wrangler + JSON, JSONL, and ORC
SageMaker JumpStart + custom VPC and KMS
Secrets Manager + rotation windows
Step Functions Local
Storage Gateway + recover previous versions of files for on-premises

Maintaining Personalized Experiences with Machine Learning version 1.2.0
MLOps Workload Orchestrator version 1.5.0
