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BStage Update 230612 : Hongjoong in B.stage Hongjoong: It's | ATEEZ | 에이티즈 | KQ ENT

BStage Update 230612

: Hongjoong in B.stage

Hongjoong: It's really a real comeback feeling after performing on stage

Atiny: Hongjoong!!! In this ATEEZ comeback, cowboys, couriers, mafia, students or anime characters.. What's the concept? ahahahaha
Hongjoong: 1475892 ways to avoid getting caught by guards

Hongjoong: You must be curious since we really hide the song, let's listen to it together later and have fun in the summer
A big thank you to Tiny who came to watch today's pre-recording for being with us for long hours early in the morning and a big thank you to Tiny who couldn't make it but are also waiting.
Thank you for today and I love you
See you later on Idol Radio


#ateez_talk • #hongjoong ; ;
