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ISC📗 Scopus ➕ Web of Sciense

Логотип телеграм канала @articlesscop_wos — ISC📗 Scopus ➕ Web of Sciense I
Логотип телеграм канала @articlesscop_wos — ISC📗 Scopus ➕ Web of Sciense
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Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 202
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International Scientific Collaboration
Co-authorship, Citation
Personal publication of articles
Международное научное сотрудничество
Соавторство, Цитирование
Публикация статей авторского коллектива

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2022-11-05 01:40:10 Have a good weekend!
Don't forget to tell your colleagues and friends about the channel!

Хороших выходных!
Не забывайте рассказать о канале своим коллегам и друзьям!

54 views22:40
2022-11-05 01:24:50 September Scopus Update
Обновление базы Scopus 09.2022

Using this link you can view and download a table with Active journals, as well as check your journal.
And I will add a table with the Active journals.

По этой ссылке вы можете просмотреть и скачать таблицу с текущими журналами, а также проверить свой журнал.
И добавлю таблицу с текущими журналами.

Действующие журналы|Active journals
Исключенные журналы|Excluded journals
52 viewsedited  22:24
2022-11-05 01:14:16 Authors' team recruitment
Набор авторского коллектива

Осталось одно место автора
author's last place

Тема статьи / Topic of the article #13219
Use of polymers for bitumen
Использование полимеров для битума
3rd -1170 USD
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Тема статьи / Topic of the article #1779
Impact of Chinas energy policy on the countrys welfare
Влияние энергетической политики Китая на уровень благосостояния страны
2nd- 1400USD
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Тема статьи / Topic of the article #1781
Chinas information ecosystem on the example of social networks
Информационная экосистема Китая на примере соцсетей
2nd- 1050USD
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Тема статьи / Topic of the article #1959
Competitiveness of grain production.
Конкурентоспособность производства зерновой продукции
2nd- 1070USD
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Тема статьи / Topic of the article #13270
The Authority of the Judge to Amend the Value of the Penalty Clause
Полномочия судьи изменить суть положений о штрафных санкциях
2nd- 1200USD
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Articles are written by authors from the USA and China.
The articles have been independently peer-reviewed and are ready for publication in high-ranking journals.

52 viewsedited  22:14
2022-11-05 00:13:19 Hello
Our Friday Update is Here

Most of you have been with us for a long time and know about our services.
For newcomers, I would like to briefly tell

International Publisher LLC provides publishing services to authors, organizations, and educational institutions. We offer an end-to-end publication-focused support and help authors submit scientific articles to journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science (WOS), Thomson Reuters (Clarivate Analytics).

We help you get your articles published in good, trusted journals.

And also we offer the service "Co-authorship".
You can participate in the study and share part of the payment with the team.
It's economical

We watch the work of many companies and see how they work.
I can say with confidence that it is BETTER to trust us.
61 views21:13
2022-10-29 02:04:54 New Topics
You can write keywords and we will select topics for you.
We will also consult on personal publications/

Вы можете написать ключевые слова и мы подберем темы для Вас.
Также проконсультируем по персональным публикациям.

Have a nice weekend
132 viewsedited  23:04
2022-10-29 01:55:43 For authors' groups
Для авторских коллективов
Discounts 5%|Скидки 5%

The use of multilevel vector autoregressive models in different statistical modeling programs
Использование многоуровневых векторных авторегрессионных моделей в различных программах статистического моделирования

December 2023
There are 5 coauthors per this manuscript.
В статье может быть до 5 авторов.
Scopus Q3

Price/Стоимость 3500 USD
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Administrative responsibility for the mistakes of medical public facilities during telemedicine in the Corona pandemic
Административная ответственность за ошибки медицинских государственных учреждений при проведении телемедицины в условиях пандемии Короны

January 2024
There are 5 coauthors per this manuscript.
В статье может быть до 5 авторов.
Scopus Q1Q2

Price/Стоимость 4100 USD
Book now|Забронировать

Treatment of patients with chronic heart failure
Лечении Гипоксеном больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью

October 2023
There are 4 coauthors per this manuscript.
В статье может быть до 4 авторов.
Scopus Q3

Price/Стоимость 3510 USD
Book now|Забронировать

Articles are written by authors from the USA
Статьи пишут авторы из США

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121 viewsedited  22:55
2022-10-29 01:26:19 Authors' team recruitment
Набор авторского коллектива

Scopus Q1Q2 | Web of Science | SSCI |AHCI

online in 2023
онлайн 2023 году

Minority in cinema and literature
Меньшинство в кино и литературе
1st - sold | 2nd- 1200USD| 3rd -1050USD | 4th- 900 USD
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Fairs and spontaneous markets: particularities of taxation spontaneous markets, fairs, cash
Налоговое регулирование: ярмарки, стихийные рынки
1st -1150 USD | 2nd- sold| 3rd -950USD | 4th- 850 USD
Book now|Забронировать

B2C market during the covid crisis: rebalancing customer expectations
Потребительское поведение в B2C сегменте в период пандемии
1st -sold | 2nd- 1070USD| 3rd -940USD | 4th-sold
Book now|Забронировать

Only one free place left
The role of L-carnitine in the development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
L-карнитин при неалкогольном стетогепатите и сопутствующем ожирении:
1st -2200USD | 2nd- sold| 3rd -sold| 4th-sold
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Аmyotrophic lateral sclerosis, nutritional status
Боковой амиотрофический склероз, нутритивный статус
1st -2510USD | 2nd- 1340USD| 3rd -1170| 4th-sold
Book now|Забронировать

The impact of antiepileptic medication on the thyroid gland.
Влияние противоэпилептических препаратов на щитовидную железу.
1st -2100USD | 2nd- 1300USD| 3rd -1100| 4th-900USD | 5th -sold
Book now|Забронировать

Comparative assessment of soil productivity under agricultural crops
Сравнительная оценка продуктивности почвы под сельскохозяйственные культуры
1st -1900USD | 2nd- 1500USD| 3rd -1200USD| 4th-sold
Book now|Забронировать

Only one free place left
Recovery of biologically active compounds from food
Восстановление биологически активных соединений из пищевых продуктов
1st -sold | 2nd- 1500USD| 3rd -sold| 4th-sold
Book now|Забронировать

Analysis of anthropogenic activities using telecommunication data
Анализ антропогенной деятельности по телекоммуникационным данным
1st - sold | 2nd- 1050USD| 3rd -950USD | 4th- 850 USD
Book now|Забронировать

Patterns in the Miao Culture
Традиционные узоры в культуре этноса Мяо
1st - sold | 2nd- 1400USD| 3rd -1100USD | 4th- 900 USD
Book now|Забронировать

Impact of the oil industry on surface and groundwater
Воздействие нефтяной промышленности на поверхностные и подземные воды
1st - 2000USD | 2nd- 1100USD| 3rd -800USD | 4th- 700 USD | 5th -sold
Book now|Забронировать

Characteristics of synanthropic forests.
Характеристика синантропных лесов.
1st - 1500USD | 2nd- 900USD| 3rd -800USD | 4th- -sold | 5th -sold
Book now|Забронировать

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99 viewsedited  22:26
2022-10-29 00:09:35 Hello!
Our Friday Update is Here....

As it turns out, many authors don't make the connections between the journal's percentile in Scopus and its quality (ranking quartile). But it doesn't mean there isn't one.
Here is how Scopus divides the journals:
Q4 = percentile 1 to 24%
Q3 = percentile 25 to 49%
Q2 = percentile 50 to 74%
Q1 = percentile 75 to 100%

As you can imagine, the price tags will also vary by quartile.

Usually, low-ranking journals publish low-quality articles that do not have scientific value. One example is reviews.
Articles in the high-ranking journals, on the other hand, are expected to be informative and provide a thorough study of relevant matters, or better - report a discovery

And there is also Web of Science
Journals in some WoS databases come with an impact factor. These include:

Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), which indexes journals in Medicine, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Engeneering and more;
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), which contains journals in Social sciences, Law, Linguistics, Pedagody, etc.

Journal's index in other databases will not come with an impact factor. And these are:

Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), which embraces Dance, Music, Cultural studies, Architecture, Philosophy,and other disciplines;
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), which includes journals from various areas of research.

To put it simple, AHCI and ESCI journals are not given an impact factor. So if you want to get indexed and have impact factor, AHCI and ESCI journals are out of question.

There is one exception to this rule though.
Some journals can be included in two WoS databases, say AHCI and SSCI. In this case, they will come with an impact factor under the category 'Social Sciences Citation Index'.

All ingenious is simple
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
We'll be glad to help. This is our job after all!

GOOD LUCK on your Publication Journey!

93 views21:09
2022-10-21 17:05:21 Discounts
Economics and Econometrics | Management

Scopus Q1Q2 Percentile 50+

Changes in consumer behavior in the B2C segment during the pandemic
Изменения потребительского поведения в B2C сегменте в период пандемии
2nd- 1070USD| 3rd - 940 USD

Tax regulation at markets and fairs
Налоговое регулирование торговли на рынках и ярмарках
1st - 1150 USD | 3rd- 1050USD| 4th - 850 USD

Assessment of Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management Plans
Оценка региональных планов управления твердыми бытовыми отходами
1st - 1200 USD | 2nd- 1070USD| 3rd - 940 USD

Money laundering through government orders: transforming schemes in the era of blockchain and smart contracts
Отмывание денег через государственные заказы: трансформация схем в эпоху блокчейна и смарт-контрактов
1st - 1350 USD | 2nd- 1200USD| 3rd - 1050 USD

Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Corruption Processes: An Interdisciplinary Dimension in Digital Era
Количественная и качественная оценка коррупционных процессов: междисциплинарное измерение в цифровую эпоху
1st - 1350 USD | 2nd- 1200USD| 3rd - 1050 USD

Practices of agricultural production cooperatives in transition economies (on the example of the CIS)
Практики сельскохозяйственных производственных кооперативов в переходных экономиках (на примере СНГ)
1st - 1100 USD | 2nd- 1000USD| 3rd - 900 USD | 4th - 800 USD

Retail money laundering: issues of cash and non-cash payments
Отмывание денег в ритейле: вопросы наличных и безналичных расчетов
1st - 980 USD | 2nd- 890USD| 3rd - 810 USD | 4th - 720 USD


184 views14:05