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My take on vaccinations Maybe I’m totally wrong about the va | Англичанин из Бибирево

My take on vaccinations

I’m totally wrong about the vaccination. Maybe my fear and concern is misguided.

Like 99.9% of people, I’m ultimately coming at this from a place of ignorance. I cannot prove that the vaccine is unsafe, no more than people can prove it is safe. I have 0 medical knowledge, just like the thousands of people lining up to take the vaccine.

All I have really is my own experience. And my experience/knowledge is as follows:

1) I don’t know anybody that has died from Covid. I know 3 people that died ‘with’ Covid, all of whom were very elderly and had other health issues. In contrast, I had 2 family members die in 2020 because the NHS delayed their treatment.

2) I know many that have taken the vaccine, 2 people have borderline been on their deathbed soon after taking it and one healthy old lady I knew well died a couple of days after it. The vast majority of vaccinated people I know have been fine though, at present.

3) I have enough experience, having been ‘redpilled’ before I was even a teenager, to understand what propaganda and psychological conditioning look like. And the level of scare tactics and guilt trips that I’ve seen from the media regarding vaccinations is astronomical.

4) From my own research I can see the financial and political ties that connects our media, our governments, and the pharmaceutical industry. Thus I can see there are many vested interests in the vaccination scheme.

5) From the outset, the government and media has lied about everything. I, like many of you, were called crazy by my own friends and family in 2020. The things we were saying back then were later proven to be true once they couldn’t keep a lid on it anymore. If they’ve lied about everything, why should I trust them to be honest about the vaccinations?

6) I have seen hundreds of reports on social media of people, most of whom are/were pro-vaxx, reporting on the deaths and serious illnesses of loved ones that they say are a direct result of the vaccination. I’ve then seen tech giants suspend their accounts soon after.

7) From the government’s own website I have read about the tens of thousands, now hundreds of thousands, of side effects from the vaccine. Yet I don’t see any of this in the mainstream media.

8) Why would our governments, the same people that are fine with corporations poisoning our food and environment, are actively trying to replace our native populations, are eroding our freedoms and civil liberties, are selling our land and assets to foreign investors, and have imposed an economy destroying & mental health shattering ‘lockdown’, care about our health?

9) Everyone that hates me, my culture and my history, wants me to take it. Literally all my enemies want me to be vaccinated, and are becoming increasingly angry when people are hesitant. It’s impossible not to get a red flag here.

10) I’ve seen all the ‘experts’ go on about how safe and necessary it is. Yet they too have been wrong on so much. Further, I’ve seen ‘experts’ and ‘scientists’, in collusion with the media, talk of the most ludicrous things, such as trees and red meat spreading Covid, as well as supporting the government’s lies from the start. I’ve also seen professionals that dared to go against the status quo, in Britain and across the world, lose their jobs and in some cases ending up dead. The only conclusion I can draw from this is that the ‘experts’ are all colluding with the powers that be to further their agenda.

11) They said that once the majority were vaccinated then things would go back to normal and freedoms would be returned. They haven’t. Another lie.

12) People that are vaccinated can and do still get Covid. What is the point of the vaccine?

To conclude then, I have 0 reason to take the vaccine, and every reason to avoid it. Either I take my chances with a virus (that I’ve already had and suffered ZERO symptoms) that literally cannot kill me, or I inject myself with a brand new and ultimately untested drug that may very well kill me or cause unknown damage.