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​​Don't Miss the Presale of Alcor Coin Dear partners, today | Antares 2.0

​​Don't Miss the Presale of Alcor Coin

Dear partners, today we would like to present a coin of a new time, Alcor Coin. You can buy it at a discount today!

This is all thanks to the Presale of ALC, which will last from May 4 to June 18, 2022. During this period, you have a chance to purchase a promising coin at a low price. On the first day of sales, Alcor Coin will cost $0.1; then, its price will increase by $0.02 every day.

On June 20, 2022, ALC will be listed on the Alcor Exchange with a starting price of $1. On this day, Presale participants will have a good opportunity to earn on the difference in the coin rate. However, you don't have to sell Alcor Coin, you can keep the coins and participate in Coin Profit Team on alcor.trade. You can learn more about this program from the previous post or at the following link: https://alcor.trade/coin-profit-team/#about.

Hurry up to take part in the Presale of Alcor Coin to purchase the coin profitably and earn money with Coin Profit Team!