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Have you ever tried to put Band-Aid on an atom bomb? Psycholog | Anglotabla

Have you ever tried to put Band-Aid on an atom bomb? Psychologist Susan David said that we do it all the time. Susan holds a PhD in the psychology of emotions and she is CEO of Evidence Based Psychology, on Harvard Medical School faculty. See, how skilled she is! So today we are going to listen to the interview with Susan David from How To Be A Better Human.

How To Be A Better Human is quite a well-known podcast from TED. In profile, some editor said, that the show isn’t your average self improvement podcast. “They uncover sharp insights and give clear takeaways on how YOU can be a better human”. It’s not so difficult to understand because the host Chris Duffy usually speaks with his guests about human nature, relationships, and other very down to Earth stuff.

Susan David already wrote a whole book about feelings: “Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life”. She gives really good advice and even shows some exercise, which can help to deal with emotions. Yeah, sorry for such simple writing. Better look at how they’ve described the same thing in the intro to the episode. “Susan explains how “emotional agility”- a process that enables us to navigate life's twists and turns -, powers self-acceptance, and gives tips on how to cultivate our agility to lead more meaningful, successful lives”.

Well, put aside your Band-Aids, take courage in both hands, watch raw emotions and enjoy the podcast How To Be A Better Human.

explicitly or implicitly
to scramble
emotional agility
to drop the struggle
whether something is allowed or not allowed by dropping the rope
dropping the rope – https://medium.com/accompanied-by-enervation/dropping-the-rope-with-anxiety-cf81290e36da)
the tug of war

Source: https://beta.prx.org/stories/376183/details