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Amy K. Fewell | The Fewell Homestead

Логотип телеграм канала @amyfewell — Amy K. Fewell | The Fewell Homestead A
Логотип телеграм канала @amyfewell — Amy K. Fewell | The Fewell Homestead
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Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 307
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Encouraging Simple Living Through Purposeful Work.

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2022-06-24 19:54:43 There is life and death in herbalism. Herbalism has always walked the fine line between helping and hurting. And just like doctors, there will always be irresponsible herbalists.

Over the next few days, they will show themselves true. They will post about how to use herbs to cause your body to spontaneously or “accidentally” abort a child from the womb. They will act like hero’s, but in the end, they are just facilitating murder and very unsafe practices when it comes to the spontaneous contracting of the uterus that could end in very, very bad situations. Situations that could end up killing both mother (albeit, an unwanted mother) and baby.

Unfollow them.

It is one of the most irresponsible and heart sickening things I will witness in my herbal career, but it is already happening. Your beliefs do not warrant irresponsible and highly dangerous practices because of selfish ambitions. You are no better than the dirty hands of a dirty doctor with dirty forceps ripping an unborn child to pieces.

Do your job. Be a life giver, not a life taker or deceiver. Blood will be on your hands of not only children, but of the women who didn’t want to be mothers when they bleed to death from a partial or full placental abruption in the middle of the night. Or when the herb you’ve recommended causes the blood to thin so much that she bleeds out after passing her child in the toilet. Or when she births her baby at 21 weeks more quickly than she thought and lays on the floor holding her baby that she now wishes she could’ve kept because….it’s a baby. And what does she do with it now?

This is the world we live in. But I refuse to allow herbalism to be taken down to the depths of hell with it.

Choose life.
Be responsible.
Unfollow the rest.

#herbs #herbalism #herbalist #life
222 views16:54
2022-01-24 23:21:25 Have you ever considered that “they” don’t want you to learn more and more about ivermectin because it cures cancer? Let that sink in for a minute....

I can’t tell you how many people have had tumors disappear since taking ivermectin for Covid.
779 views20:21
2022-01-24 23:21:22
742 views20:21
2022-01-17 19:39:45 When #fauci and his new book rank number 57,000 out of all the Amazon books....and my herbalism book ranks number 14,000 out of all the Amazon books....I’d say the verdict is in

#donttrustfauci #author #herbs #science
737 views16:39
2022-01-17 19:39:45
631 views16:39
2022-01-14 16:54:03 NEW STUDY — Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants

This study, just released on January 10th, goes over the ability for CBDA and CBGA to literally inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein from attaching itself and entering into your cells. A very thorough and promising study, especially for emerging variants that are resistant to other means of preventing and treatment.

Because CBDA and CBGA inhibit SARS-CoV-2 from entering your cells, this also means it can be taken by those who are in the early stages of the disease, as it will help inhibit the replication of the virus, therefore preventing the major viral overload that causes so many to become more and more sick.

Some people scoff at cannabinoids, but the reality is that, before this plant was highly adulterated, it had incredible medicinal benefits (and still does). The plants and products being used are not the same products on the streets. However, as with any highly medicinal plant, it should be respected and used responsibly. In the herbalist community, we never think of cannabis as a "drug". If we did, we'd have to look at a whole lot of plants as drugs (that aren't illegal in our country). Instead, it's an incredible healing plant put on this earth for a very good reason. It helps heal so many people!

Just a note that in this study, people aren't smoking cannabis. It's a cannabis (hemp) extract. Which can easily be bought locally and online. Or, you can create it yourself if you grow and process hemp/cannabis.

588 views13:54
2022-01-10 19:11:29 NEW PRE-PRINT STUDY
Protection afforded by prior infection against SARS-CoV-2 reinfection with the Omicron variant medRxiv — Jan 6, 2022



Natural SARS-CoV-2 infection elicits strong protection against reinfection with the Alpha (B.1.1.7), Beta (B.1.351), and Delta (B.1.617.2) variants. However, the Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant harbors multiple mutations that can mediate immune evasion. We estimated effectiveness of prior infection in preventing reinfection (PES) with Omicron and other SARS-CoV-2 variants in Qatar.


Protection afforded by prior infection in preventing symptomatic reinfection with Alpha, Beta, or Delta is robust, at about 90%.

While such protection against reinfection with Omicron is lower, it is still considerable at nearly 60%. (Vaccinated individuals only have about a 20% protection rate).

Prior-infection protection against hospitalization or death at reinfection appears robust, regardless of variant.

Although this study is not a head to head comparison of natural immunity versus vaccine induced immunity, it does suggest that protection afforded by natural infection is superior to vaccine induced immunity.
541 views16:11
2021-12-29 17:54:51 As I reflect back on this year, I’m officially naming it “the year of insight and distraction”. I’ll post more in-depth about it in a blog post. But I wanted to share with you what I truly believe God has caused me see in my own life this year.

We often believe that the devil will come in loud, disastrous events or circumstances in our lives. And while that can certainly be true, let me assure you, it’s more dangerous when he comes as “distraction”.

When he can distract you from your goal, your purpose, or your relationship with Christ—he’s making headway in your life. All he needs is a little distraction to keep you off your game. To pull you away from God. To whisper “come over here, look what’s happening here”, or, “you could be used here, no matter how much time it takes up.”

It’s true what the Bible says. He is more cunning than any beast of the earth. He speaks eloquently and is the ultimate deceiver and manipulator. Have you ever truly been manipulated? If you have, you wouldn’t even know it....

1 Peter says; “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

A reminder that, in the end, satan doesn’t win. And he’s fully aware that his time is short.

Be sober....

Be vigilant....

Never be off your game. Question everything. Don’t silence that still small voice inside of you. It’s not just a voice. Don’t make decisions based on emotions—the heart is deceitful above all things. And remind yourself, daily, that if you haven’t truly spoken to (and spent time with) God in the last few days....the devil is distracting you.

It could be with your phone or social media. It could be a relationship. It could be a project. It could be work. It could be your own mind. Whatever it is, as we head into a brand new year, address it. Throw it away. Be vigilant in your pursuit of Christ. The world needs your light now more than ever. And satan will certainly try to distract you now, more than ever.
500 views14:54
2021-12-29 17:54:49
351 views14:54
2021-12-22 23:29:58
We were created from dirt, to work the dirt, to return to dirt, and to receive a mansion in heaven. I hope my mansion is surrounded by a thousand acres and cows.

Homesteading isn’t just a trend or a hobby—it’s a calling.
419 views20:29