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St. Nicholas Day Around the World
The feast(праздник) of St. Nicholas is celebrated around the world in various(разный) cultures.

This is how some cultures around the world remember this day:

Shen’Kollë in Greece
In Greece (as well as Albania, Serbia, and Bulgaria), St. Nicholas is celebrated on the eve of his feast day, December 5th. This day is known as Shen’Kolli i Dimnit (Saint Nicholas of Winter). In these cultures, this day is one of fasting(пост), not gift giving. In fact, on this day, most people abstain(удерживаться) from meat or fast completely or prepare a feast to eat just after midnight(полночь).

Sinterklaas in Belgium & Netherlands
In these countries, children leave their boots in front of the fireplace(камин) for St. Nicholas. Often, they include(включать) a carrot or a treat for his horses, as legend has it that he arrived with his horses via sleigh(сани) or steamboat(пароход) in these areas.

St. Nicholas and Père Fouettard in France
In France, St. Nicholas arrives on December 6th and gives children small gifts and chocolates. In the weeks leading up(ведущий) to this day, parents and grandparents tell stories of the legend of St. Nick, including(включая) a disturbing(волнующий) but popular one. The story goes that three children wandered away(бродили) and got lost. A butcher(мясник) lured(заманил) them into his shop where he killed them and salted(засолил) them away in a large tub(бочка). According to legend, St. Nicholas revived(оживил) the boys and brought them home to their families. (At least there’s a happy ending!)

This story earned(заслужила) St. Nicholas his reputation as protector of children in France. The butcher (known as “Père Fouettard,” meaning “Father Whipper”) is imagined to follow St. Nicholas in penance(наказание) and leave lumps of coal(кусочки угля) or even whip(пороть) misbehaving(непослушный) children. In France, statues and paintings often portray(изображать) this event, showing the saint with children in a barrel(бочка).

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